Western Educational Adventures Family Camping Program, Victoria, B.C.
Western Educational Adventures

Birthday Parties & Play Dates

Is your child's birthday coming up in Victoria BC or on Vancouver Island? Are you looking for something fun and exciting for your child and their friends to do outdoors? Book an outdoor activity birthday party, play date or other custom program with WEAdventures in Victoria BC or anywhere on the South Island! We offer activities like: forest games, fire-building, smores, archery, canoeing, kayaking, paddle boarding, swimming, shelter-building, hiking, nature exploration, geocaching, orienteering and more. Choose between our base program which includes a fully staffed, 4-hour birthday party program or add-on things like cakes, meals, overnights, day hikes and more.


Childrens Birthday programs
Outdoor birthday programs
Educational birthday programs

Birthday Parties & Play Dates

Victoria BC, Sooke BC & Southern Vancouver Island Island

6+ 4 hr - Multi-Day
$35 + GST & Up ($900 minimum)

***Please note that exact costs vary depending on location, number of chilren, activities, etc.***

ADD-ONS (Based on 12 youth or less) PRICE
Children's Birthday Cake $85 + GST
Lunch $25 + GST per participant
Watersports $10 + GST per participant
Archery $5 + GST per participant
Camping Overnight Please Contact
Full Day Please Contact
& More Please Contact



Where & When

Our base kids birthday party program runs at Camp Barnard in Sooke, 3202 Young Lake Rd, Sooke, BC V9Z 0J6. However, other options are available and programs can run at other locations within the Greater Victoria area such as Thetis Lake, Beaver Lake, Goldstream, Sooke Potholes, Sea to Sea Park & more.

Activities and Locations

Below is a list of some of the common activities we run and where we can run them in the Greater Victoria area. Additional locations and activities may be available up island. Additional activities and locations may be available.

Fire-building/SMORES Goldstream, Sooke, Shirley, Juan de Fuca Trail, Beaver Lake (between Oct 31-May 1 only)
ShelterFire-building Sooke, Shirley, Beaver Lake
Day Hiking Mt. Work, Sooke, Metchosin, West Langford
Canoeing Thetis, Matheson (Metchosin), Beaver Lake, Sooke
Kayaking/Paddleboarding (AGes 9+ Only) Brentwood Bay, Sooke
Archery Sooke and Shirley
Orienteering, Geocaching and Navigation Beaver Lake, Sooke, Shirley, Thetis, Goldstream
Swimming Thetis, Matheson (Metchosin), Beaver Lake, Sooke, Shawnigan
Marine Biology Botanical Beach (Port Renfrew)
Geology & Fossils Jordan River
Forest Games (Animal Game, etc.) Beaver Lake, Sooke, Shirley
Nature Exploration Shriely, Sooke, Langford, Saanich (Beaver Lake, Durrance), Highlands

Victoria Birthday Party Booking Request

Complete the birthday booking survey below and we will get back to you within 3 business days.


By checking this box, you agree to be added to our email newsletter communications.

**All personal information provided will not be shared with third parties unless it is relevant to the participants well being or quality of experience**

Victoria custom birthday parties

Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me.....

outdoor birthday parties for children

Woa!! - A creekside exploration party!

outdoor play dates for children

An archery play date!

outdoor birthday parties for youth

This is way too much fun!!!

Victoria outdoor birthday parties for children

Who'd have thunk - a birthday party in canoes..

Victoria outdoor birthday parties for youth

Or a birthday hike..

youth birthday cooking programs

Prepping birthday pizza

youth birthday nutrition programs

Birthday dinner!

Victoria youth wilderness birthday parties

A great outcome to firebuilding - roasting marsh mellows!

Victoria youth birthday swimming parties

A swimming play date at the old swimmin' hole

Victoria childrens birthday swimming parties

Followed by a game of "balance on the log"

Victoria childrens birthday toss

Or a round of "toss the birthday boy"...

birthday fun victoria bc

Or just having a blast in the lake!

birthday canoe victoria bc

...canoeing is a piece of cake

birthday camp fire victoria bc

...this birthday's on fire.....this birthday's on firrre.